Saturday, April 20, 2013

Wacky House Colour Day
Tim's Grandads prize giant pumpkin that weighs 65kgs.
The 'Duck Song' was a fun poem to finish the term with and was requested to be placed on the blog. The lyrics can be found in your poetry book to sing along with the clip.
There are more activities now on Study Ladder to enjoy over the holidays along with some other links.

Measurement- Capacity and Volume 
In the last weeks of the term we have been learning about capacity and volume. We used small plastic dinosaurs to measure the capacity of containers. We discovered that a number of different shaped containers can contain the same number of dinosaurs. This unit gave many opportunities for us to develop our counting strategies as we counted and compared the capacity of the containers as measured by dinosaurs.
 As part of our experiences we have constructed cylinders to fit certain numbers of toy dinosaurs. 



Our home task this holiday

is to make a paper or cardboard cylinder that fits 20 small objects (for example; pebbles, toothpicks or bottle tops). Your child will need paper or light card (the side of an old cereal box would be good), scissors and cellotape and they will be keen to show you what to do.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Snapshots of Term 1

Here are a few pics to enjoy of the fabulous Room five boys during the term. The butterfly hatched and survived to be set free. The Queens Park visit which included the visiting Tuatarium was a highlight. 
Just today we enjoyed our hockey last session with Tony and showed our talents in dribbling a ball with a hockey stick. Fr Hook dropped in this afternoon to sing some songs including the favourite " If Christ is a Vessel". Lastly we started painting our frogs. 
All in all a busy and exciting term.
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